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Limited to just 100 deluxe numbered copies, this hardback book, exclusive to us, is printed and bound in the UK by a specialist printer, smyth-sewn to ensure longevity and has silk head and tail bands. It can be signed by the author upon request (please add this in the "Where did you hear about us?" box at the cart page and state if you would like it dedicating or simply signed).


Publisher's description:


The Conjurer's Companion to The Strand Magazine is a complete guide to The Strand designed for people interested in magic history, particularly researchers. The Strand Magazine is an unequalled record of popular culture in Britain from 1891 to 1950 and an often-overlooked reference when discussing the history of magic and performance arts more generally. But it is unwieldy and difficult to search, this guide hopes to solve those problems. 


The golden age of The Strand and the golden age of magic coincided, so, naturally, magicians, magic and conjuring-related material appear throughout the paper’s fifty-nine-year run. Magicians themselves contributed regularly, including Houdini, Maskelyne, Devant, Lynn, Goldin, Nikola and Culpitt. Then there are interviews with famous magicians, articles advising how to avoid being scammed by cardsharps, stories of fraudulent mediums and many other items directly related to conjuring. This guide describes every conjuring related article from the publication, 62 in all. Every entry is written in sufficient detail so that a researcher should be able to identify if it is relevant to their research and a copy should be sought, or if it can be discarded. For instance, every magician, magic-related person and trick is named and appears in the index. 


The book contains over 50 illustrations and photographs and is thoroughly indexed. It also contains two special double-sided cards. One which can be kept somewhere handy when visiting second-hand bookshops or libraries to provide a quick way of identifying if there is any magic content in any copies of The Strand they may have. The second can be kept as a spare in the pocket to the rear of the book.


The book also contains a guide on using the magazine for research which contains advice on where to find copies of The Strand, both through online archives and in libraries. 


Please note: This is a guide for using The Strand, it is not a reprint of the original articles. 


Condition: New.


Binding: Hardback

Year: 2024


Pages: 54

Dimensions (to nearest cm): 24 X 16cm

The Conjurer's Companion to The Strand Magazine - Philip David Treece

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