Subject Matter
Unexpected Agenda - Roberto Giobbi
Ran Pink's T-Rex - Ran Pink
Oriental Conjuring and Magic - Will Ayling and S. H. Sharpe
Who's Who in Magic - Will Goldston
3510 (Thirty Five Ten) - Luke Jermay
A Bibliography of English Conjuring 1569-1876 Volume Two - Raymond Toole Stott
Modus Operandi, The Card Magic of Jack Carpenter - Stephen Hobbs
Miracles of My Friends - Burton S. Sperber (Signed)
Beyond Deception - Tobias Beckwith
Magical Masterpieces - Louis Nikola
Meir Yedid's Magical Wishes - Stephen Hobbs
Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic - Lewis Ganson
My Mysteries - C. Ivor Smith
Caan Craft - J. K. Hartman
Spectator's Choice - Douglas Francis
Simply Wizard - Goodliffe
Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks - Keith Clark
Magic as a Hobby - Bruce Elliott
Popular Magic for the Amateur Conjurer - Zodiastar
Frozen - Nefesch
Fingertip Fantasies - Bob Ostin
Closeup Connivery #2 - Dan Garrett
T.N.T. (Twelve New Tricks) - Fabian
The Annotated Erdnase (Expert at the Card Table) - Darwin Ortiz
The Mendoza Series of Personal Instruction Numbers 1-5 - John Mendoza
Bert Allerton, The Gentleman Magician - Chuck Romano
Lessons in Conjuring - David Devant
The Topit Book - Michael Ammar
Burtini's Cups and Balls Routine - Fabian
The Dai Vernon Book of Magic - Lewis Ganson
Showmanship for Magicians - Dariel Fitzkee
Eric Sharp's Specialised Children's Entertainment - Bayard Grimshaw (Ed.)
100 Houdini Tricks You Can Do - Joseph Dunninger
Routined Manipulation Finale - Lewis Ganson
Hand Shadows - Louis Nikola (Signed by De Vega)
Blackstone's Secrets of Magic - Harry Blackstone
Chemical Magic - V. E. Johnson
Dean Dill, Intimate Miracles - Tim Trono
After Dinner Technique - Ken de Courcy
Houdini, The Untold Story - Milbourne Christopher
The Systematic Seer, A Simplified System of Fortune Telling - Ken de Courcy
The Three Types, A Professional Q & A Routine - Luke Jermay
Abbott's Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks for Magicians - Stewart James
Tricks and More Tricks of the Television Stars - Harry Stanley
Great Baloons! The Complete Book of Balloon Sculpting - Jean Merlin
Page Wright's Manuscript - T. Page Wright
Tricks of To-Day - Yelma (Albert E. Lewis)
Spectacle - Stephen Minch